Dutch Datagrid Day

September 14, 2000

KNMI, De Bilt


At this day plans will be discussed for a National Dutch Datagrid. This grid is part of a larger European Datagrid for which a proposal has been accepted by the EU recently. In the morning, after a general introduction to Grids there will be three technical presentations on grid software. These tools are often referred to as "gridware" or "middleware". NIKHEF and SARA will participate in the development of such tools in two different areas: Computing Fabric Management en Mass Storage Management and two presentations during the morning will concentrate on this. In the afternoon two application areas, Earth Observation and Bio Informatics, will be presented which could particularly profit from a Dutch and/or European Grid infrastructure. The KNMI is an active participant of the Earth Observation application work package. At the end of the day a plan will be discussed for the implementation of a Dutch Datagrid.

The Dutch Datagrid Day will be hosted by the KNMI, the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute in the De Bilt. The institute can easily be reached by road and by public transport. You can find on the KNMI website how to get there. Coffee, tea and lunch will be served. No fee will be charged.

If you are planning to participate please contact Sylvia Visser at KNMI by e-mail or by phone (030 - 2206462) so she can arrange for sufficient coffee, tea and sandwiches.

Comments on this page ? Please email k.bos@nikhef.nl

Last update: August 4, 2000