Marc van der Sluys

Marc van der Sluys

I am an astrophysicist, gravitational-wave physicist and computer scientist, based at the Dutch National Institute for Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Nikhef) in Amsterdam, and at the Institute for Gravitational and Subatomic Physics (GRASP) at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. I work as a researcher on the detection and data analysis of gravitational waves for Virgo, LIGO and the Einstein Telescope, and teach astrophysics at the Department of Physics of Utrecht University.

Available: Tuesday – Friday
Office: H126 (Nikhef, Amsterdam) OL 2.11 (Ornstein lab, Utrecht)
Email: Email address
Zoom room: Zoom room
Phone: +31 – (0)6 – 4681 2016

Secr.: +31 – (0)30 – 253 1492
Fax: +31 – (0)20 – 592 5155

Visiting address: Nikhef
Science Park 105
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ornstein laboratory
Princetonplein 1
Utrecht, The Netherlands

Post address: Nikhef
P.O. Box 41882
1009 DB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
GRASP (Ornsteinlab, 2.11)
Utrecht University
Winthontlaan 30C
3526 KV Utrecht

Affiliations: Dutch National Institute for Subatomic and High-Energy Physics (Nikhef)
Institute for Gravitational and Subatomic Physics (GRASP), Utrecht University
LIGO/Virgo, Einstein Telescope
Radboud University Nijmegen

Research interests:
Evolution of compact binary stars and common envelopes, gravitational-wave astronomy, gravitational-wave data analysis, physical parameter estimation on gravitational-wave inspirals, black-hole spin and spin alignment, Bayesian statistics, machine learning.

Formation and evolution of compact binaries, X-ray binaries, white-dwarf binaries, cataclysmic variables, AM CVN stars, common-envelope evolution, stellar structure and evolution, stellar mergers, rapid stellar rotation, stellar winds.

Publications: ADS, arXiv
Online publications
List of publications: A4, Letter (PDF, ~80kb)

Curriculum vitae: A4, Letter (PDF, ~120kb)

Social: ORCID
Google Scholar

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