The PROGRAM =========== Reads a ICARAS ras.xxxxxxxx.res file and uses offsets to correct the RASNIK readings. The offsets corresponding to the RASNIK-system name are read in automatically. The results are written to screen with the comments of ICARAS. An ASCII file 'correction.dat' is also written. MAIN PROGRAM in /stage/atlas/group/BOL/towers/online/inplane.f I installed a version /stage/atlas/group/BOL/online where ATLAS members have write permission. INSTALL (5 min.) ======= -From directory /stage/atlas/group/BOL/towers/online you need to 1) copy files *.f and *.cmn 2) copy file steer 3) copy all /stage/atlas/group/BOL/towers/xpars* and ypars* files. a RASNIK file which can be seen from UNIX - Then in your directory type 'f77 inplane.f' or on linux 'g77 inplane.f'. TO RUN (1 min.) ====== - Edit file 'steer': first line contains the full path and name of the RASNIK file second line contains 'tcut' to ignore data before time=tcut. tcut is automatically updated with the last RASNIK reading. When you do not want this option put tcut<0 to run over the full file. -type 'a.out' WHAT IF THE OFFSET FILES ARE NOT FOUND or STORED IN ANOTHER DIRECTORY (2 min.) ===================================================================== - Check file 'get_offsets.f', routine readoff. Variable 'dname' can point to any directory, for example: dname='/h73/offsets/'//name or dname=name ! offsets in running directory - If this was not the problem, the RASNIK system is not yet defined, you have to add it, see below. TO ADD A RASNIK SYSTEM: (2 min.) ======================= - Check file 'get_offsets.f', routine get_offsets. The structure is simple. Here you can add your RASNIK system. Suppose you system is called 'harry'. The you need to create two offset files: 'xpars.harry' with 3 lines with reals used for array xpar(3) and 'ypars.harry' with 3 lines with reals used for array ypar(3) xpar(1)= X offset, xpar(2)= XSlope as function of scale, xpar(3)= not used The array rott(4) is used to swap signs and correction for CCD rotation. rott(1) = 1. or -1. to swap sign X rott(2) = 1. or -1. to swap sign Y rott(3) = 1. or -1. to swap sign of rotz after correction with rott(4) rott(4) = CCD rotation, subrated from rotz For an ideal system rott(1)=1, rott(2)=1, rott(3)=1, rott(4)=0 See also routine 'get_correction' to see how these numbers are exactly used.