Effect of a combination of a TLT vertex  cut (simulating an MVD vertex cut)  and the present GSLT veto

Last update: 6 march 1998

L.W. Wiggers

What is the effect of high-Et cuts on the effect of the present GSLT and how could a MVD-SLT cut help? I used a gslt-passthrough sample of 1997 (run 25189) to study this:
all Etran>2 Etran>5 Etran>10 Etran>25
no further selection 17786 12268 7782 4620 1120
a) passing present gslt veto 9829(55%) 5782(47%) 3914(50%) 2656(57%) 657(59%)
b) having a valid vertex with -30cm<tlt-z<30 cm 2166(12%) 1839(15%) 1236(16%) 791(17%) 117(10%)
c) as b or not having a vertex 13511(76%) 8767(71%) 5318(68%) 2876(62%) 617(55%)
d) both a and b 2157(12%) 1831(15%) 1231(16%) 788(17%) 116(10%)
e) both a and c (preferred cut) 5631(32%) 2352(19%) 1501(19%) 943(20%) 161(14%)
