QCDNUM Example Jobs

In the subdirectory testjobs you can find several example jobs. These can be run straight out-of-the-box from the run directory, for instance:

run> ./runtest example.f or example.cc

example .f .cc Simple evolution program as described in Section 4.2 of the writeup. Good starting point to write your own application.
exampledc .f Same program but now driven by data cards.
testsgns .f .cc Run the EVSGNS singlet/non-singlet evolution and compare to EVOLSG.
getgluon .f .cc Use the different interpolation routines to get the gluon.
pdfsets .f .cc Play around with pdf sets in memory.
testzmstf .f .cc Calculate structure functions with the ZMSTF package.
testhqstf .f .cc Calculate heavy quark structure functions with the HQSTF package.
timing .f .cc Mimic a QCD fit by 1000 evolutions and 1M F2 and FL calculations at NNLO in the VFNS. You can see how long this takes on your machine.
convolit .f Calculate (double) convolutions with the slow and fast convolution engine, and compare the results with that from straight-forward Gauss integration.
ftwo .f .cc Calculate LO or NLO F2 structure functions using the fast convolution engine and compare the result to ZMSTF. Good starting point to write your own structure function routines.
longlist .f Use the fast convolution engine to interpolate an arbitrary long list of pdfs. Shows how to circumvent the mpt0 restriction on the number of interpolations.
sgevolution .f Singlet/gluon evolution with the toolbox NxN DGLAP routine (Section 7.5 of the writeup). Compares the result to that of the standard evolution. Good starting point to write your own evolution code.
wspace .f .cc Some code examples from the WSTORE memory manager write-up.

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