Registration for the JRA1 AllHands Meeting

Please register before December 20st, 2007


"; require("form.php"); if ($bPost) $bDone = true; $form = "

\n"; $form .= "

". $emailHeader ."

"; $form .= "\n"; $form .= ""; $arr = Array("mr.", "ms."); $form .= dropCell("I am ", dropRadio("m/v", $arr, false,"",false)); $form .= dropCell1("First name *", dropTextInput("voornaam", 30, true)); $form .= dropCell1("Last name *", dropTextInput("achternaam", 30, true)); $form .= dropCell("Organisation * ", dropTextInput("organisatie", 30, true)); $form .= dropCell("Email *", dropTextInput("email", 30, true)); $form .= dropCell("Email (confirm)*", dropTextInput("email2", 30, true)); $form .= ""; $arrvisa = Array("will join", "will starve"); $form .= dropCell("I will join the dinner *", dropRadio("dinner", $arrvisa, false,"",true)); $form .= ""; $form .= dropCell1("laptop MAC address", dropTextInput("macaddress", 17, false)." (only in case you cannot use eduroam)"); $form .= ""; $arr4 = Array("Yes please reserve a hotel", "No I do not need a hotel"); $form .= dropCell("Hotel booking request", dropRadio("hotelbooking",$arr4, true, "", true)); $form .= dropCell1("Arrival date", dropTextInput("arrival", 30, false)); $form .= dropCell1("Departure date", dropTextInput("departure", 30, false)); $arr3 = Array("NHTropen", "ParkLane"); $form .= dropCell("Preference", dropCheckList($arr3, $arr3, false)); $form .= ""; $dpa = Array("Yes,
I agree that my name and affiliation will be shown on the participants page. All other information will be kept for use by the organisers.
"); $dpaconf = Array("DPA-OK"); $form .= dropCell("Data Protection Agreement *", dropCheckList($dpaconf, $dpa, false)); $form .= "

* = required field

"; $form .= "\n"; $form .= "\n"; $form .= "
"; if ( $bPost ) { if ( $_REQUEST['email'] != $_REQUEST['email2'] ) { $form="Error: Email addresses inconsistent

".$form; $bDone=false; } if ( $_REQUEST['DPA-OK'] != "ja" ) { $form="Error: You cannot register using this form unless you agree to the data protection agreement. Please check the agreement checkbox below.

".$form; $bDone=false; } if ( strlen(strstr($_REQUEST['email'],"@")) < 3 ) { $form="Error: Invalid email address ".htmlentities($_REQUEST['email'])."

".$form; $bDone=false; } if ( $_REQUEST['hotelbooking'] == "Yes please reserve a hotel" && (strlen($_REQUEST['arrival']) < 5 || strlen($_REQUEST['departure']) < 5) ) { $form="Error: If you request hotel reservation, you must specify arrical and departure date

".$form; $bDone=false; } foreach ( array("voornaam","achternaam","organisatie","email","email2","hotelbooking","arrival","departure") as $i => $n ) { if ( strlen($_REQUEST[$n]) > 50 ) { $form="Error: unreasonably long string $n

".$form; $bDone=false; } } } if (!$bDone) { echo $form; } else { if ( $_REQUEST['hotelbooking'] == "Yes please reserve a hotel" ) { $emailData.=<<".htmlentities($_REQUEST['email'])."\n"; #echo "Message:\n
\n"; $bSuccess = appendCSV($csvfile, ";"); if ($bSuccess) { $bSuccess = @mail($_REQUEST['email'], "Your Registration for the $eventname", $emailData, "From:"); $bSuccess = @mail("", "Registration for the $eventname ". $_REQUEST['voornaam']." ".$_REQUEST['achternaam'], $emailData, "From:"); if ( $_REQUEST['hotelbooking'] == "Yes please reserve a hotel" ) { $bSuccess = @mail("", "Registration for the $eventname ". $_REQUEST['voornaam']." ".$_REQUEST['achternaam'], $emailData, "From:"); } } if (!$bSuccess) { echo "

Sorry, internal error: could not send the required emails; your registration may only have been processed partially. Please contact info@eugridpma for further information, or try again.

"; } else { ?>

Thank you very much for your registration request. You'll receive a confirmation shortly, stating your preferences and selection. If you have trouble or do not receive the automatic reply within 15 minutes, please contact the organisers.
Note: if you request a hotel reservation, you must fax back the confirmation mail with your CC details provided as guarantee. Please see the confirmation email for more information.