Lectures at schools and conferences
   1. A survey of spin-5/2 theory
      Supergravity workshop, Stony Brook (1979)
   2. Instantons in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
      2nd Eur. Conference on Unification of the Fundamental Interactions, 
      Erice (1981) 
   3. Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking
      XXI Int. Conf. on High-Energy Physics, Paris (1982) 
   4. Supersymmetry and Supergravity 
      SISSA, Trieste (1984)
   5. Structure of Supersymmetric Theories 
      2nd Hellenic School on Elementary Particle Physics, Corfu (1985)
   6. d=2 Conformal Gauge Theory 
      XXVI Cracow school of theoretical physics, Zakopane (1986) 
   7. Theory of a charged spinning particle in a gravitational
      and electromagnetic field
      Mathematical methods in field theory, Amsterdam (1986)
   8. BRST Quantization 
      3rd cycle program, K.U. Leuven (1988)
   9. Aspects of BRST Quantization 
      XXV Karpacz Winterschool of theoretical physics, Karpacz (1989) 
  10. Introduction to Quantum Field Theory 
      1st Belgian-Dutch-German Summerschool on experimental
      high-energy physics; Chevetogne (1989)
  11. Symmetries and Motions in Manifolds 
      XXVIII Karpacz Winterschool of theoretical physics, Karpacz (1992)
  12. Grassmann Algebras and Spin in Quantum Dynamics  
      Dutch summerschool of mathematical physics; University of Twente (1992)
  13. Introduction to Cosmology 
      4th Belgian-Dutch-German Summerschool on experimental
      high-energy physics; Retie (1992)
  14. Relativistic Dynamics of Spin in Strong External Fields
      4th Hellenic School on Elementary Particle Physics; Corfu (1992) 
  15. New supersymmetries for spinning particles and black holes
      Workshop on Constraint Theory and Quantization Methods, 
      Montepulciano (1993)
  16. Killing-Yano tensors and generalized supersymmetries in 
      black-hole and monopole geometries
      Quarks '94, Vladimir (1994) 
  17. Gravitational Radiation in General Relativity 
      GRAIL workshop, university of Twente (1995) 
  18. GRAIL, a study in gravitational radiation and its detection
      St. Patrick's College, Maynooth (1995)
  19. Fermions and world-line supersymmetry 
      29th Int. Symposium on the Theory of Elementary Particles, 
      Buckow (1995) 
  20. Gravitational Waves and Black Holes 
      2nd Saalburg Summerschool on Theoretical Physics (1996)
  21. Introduction to Supersymmetry 
      8th Belgian-Dutch-German Summmerschool on experimental 
      high-energy physics; Rolduc (1996) 
  22. Gravitational Waves and Black Holes 
      Graduierten Kolleg, Univ. of Heidelberg (1997) 
  23. Hidden symmetries: from Higgs to supersymmetry 
      Topical lectures, NIKHEF (1998) 
  24. Gravitational waves: theory and sources 
      Graduierten Kolleg, Bergische Univ., Wuppertal (1998)  
  25. Gravitational waves: theory and sources 
      Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Oxford (1998)
  26. Gravitational waves and massless particle fields 
      XXXVth Karpacz Winterschool of Theoretical Physics,
      Polonica (1999) 
  27. Gravitational waves, a new window on the universe 
      FANTOM study week on physics of the early universe,
      Dourdan (1999) 
  28. Gravitational waves 
      CERN thinkshop on gravitational waves and particle accelerators 
  29. Killing-Yano tensors, non-standard supersymmetries and an index theorem 
      Journees Relativistes, Weimar (1999) 
  30. The Standard Model and Beyond 
      Winterschool of the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics; 
      Jonkerbosch, Nijmegen (2000) 
  31. Gravitatie: van zwaartekracht tot kosmologie 
      Lectures at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 1999-2004 (in Dutch)  
  32. Aspects of BRST Quantization 
      Autumn School `Topology and Geometry in Physics', Graduierten Kolleg Uni.Heidelberg 
      Rot a/d Rot, Germany (2001) 
  33. The Early Universe   
      17th Winterschool DRSTP; Jonkerbosch, Nijmegen (2003) 
  34. Kaehler manifolds and supersymmetry   
      43rd Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, Zakopane (2003);
      ed. M. Praszalowicz; Acta Phys. Polonica B34 (2003), 5983;
  35. Kosmische straling: airshowers
      HiSPARC workshop 11 juni 2004   
  36. Topics in General Relativity 
      Winterschool of the DRSTP; Driebergen (2006) 
  37. Windows on the universe 
      Academic Lectures, Nikhef (2008) 

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