
   1. Supersymmetry in Particle Physics

      [J.W. v. Holten]

      FOM Beleidsruimte 86BR527 (1987-89) 

   2. Fusion Rings and Quantum Dimensions

      [J. Fuchs and J.W. v. Holten]

      Samenwerkingsverband Mathematische Fysica 

      Beleidsruimteproject 93MF09 (1993-95)

   3. Constrained Dynamical Systems 

      Human Capital and Mobility Program of the EC 

      ERB-CHRX-CT93-0362 (1994-96)

   4. Computer Algebra and Subatomic Physics

      [J. Vermaseren and J.W. v. Holten]

      NWO/047.03.015 (1995-96)  

   5. Classical aspects of quantum gravity and strings

      [A. Schellekens, J.W. v. Holten and B. de Wit] 

      FOM Beleidsruimte 94BR1253 (1994-98)

   6. Cosmic-ray background in a resonant-mass gravitational wave detector 

      [J.W. v. Holten and J. Oberski]

      NWO-E (1996) 

   7. Radiation reaction in Schwarzschild geometry 

      [J.W. van Holten and A. Spallicci]

      Samenwerkingsverband Mathematische Fysica MF98/04 

   8. Theoretical Subatomic Physics 

      FOM programme FP52 

      [Theoretical Physics Group NIKHEF] 

   9. Supersymmetry and the structure of the fundamental interactions 

      [J.W. van Holten and A. Fuster]

      Basque Government Scholarship Grant (2001-2003)  

      (Becas para formacion de investigadores, programa A) 

  10. FOM Programme Theoretical Particle Physics in the Era of the LHC

      [co-ordinated by prof. E. Laenen, NIKHEF; 2007-] 

  11. FOM Programme Gravitational Physics - the dynamics of spacetime 

      [co-ordinated by prof. J. v.d. Brand, VUA; 2010-]  


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