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GOL Test

The physical layer of the link between the GOL and the TLK1501 is based on the IEEE std. 802.3. Chapter 36 of this standard handles the 8/10B coding.
There are two kinds of IDLE characters. /I1/ corrects the running disparity (- to + or + to -) while /I2/ preserves the current running disparity (- to - or + to +). Possible IDLE sequences are drawn here. This is a picture of the IDLE-ing GOL output (GOL in 32-bit Ethernet mode @ 50MHz input clock).
There are two important features about the IDLE string. Here is a proposal for operating the GOL to TLK1501 link on the physical level. This scheme assures proper code group re-alignment  whenever synchronization  is lost at the receiving side by putting IDLEs into the stream. Also the scheme makes link error checking possible and fits the bandwidth requirements for the 18-TDC readout for the MDT chambers.
The proposal (using a CRC-32) is simulated and verified.

Here is the VHDL code for the CRC-32 generator.

Last Updated: 19-12-2002
Peter Jansweijer