Boundary Conditions

First Level Trigger

Si-data is rarely used in a first-level trigger system. As a consequence, the front-end readout systems discussed elsewhere on these pages are not supplying the external output to a trigger system. If we want to implement a microvertex first-level trigger, the requirements are:

External Inputs

The GFLT provides the following information to each component (see also ZEUS note 88/98). For each physics trigger:

Besides, the following signals are provided:

The signals are transmitted over three 17-pair twisted-pair cables at the nominal HERA clock rate: one cable for transmitting clock-related signals, one for control signals and one for transmitting FLT-numbers.

High-Luminosity Upgrade

The present luminosity is about 3*1030 /cm2*s. After the upgrade the luminosity will be around 7*1031/ cm2*s. We expect just a limited increase in the trigger rate and data throughput of the ZEUS system, therefore the bandwidth for charm triggers has to be reduced drastically (about a factor 10 or more) to keep high-Q2 DIS and EXO triggers.

So, either the charm triggers should select events with higher Pt or a special FLT has to be constructed to keep charm events with tracks in the microvertex.

Last update 2 August 1996

Please mail suggestion/corrections/updates to Leo Wiggers (